A Sale on Teaching Resources

I always love a sale.  I love knowing that I’m saving money, just ask my husband.  I’m known to say, “Every little bit helps.”  And that’s what you can say over Feb. 16-17.  I’m not talking about the sales in the malls.  I’m talking about the sale at my store on Teachers Pay Teachers.  www.teacherspayteachers.com/store/teachers-keeper  I’m hosting a sale with the hope of offering you something that you have been wishing for, looking for, or something that you need for your classroom.

Pres. Day Sale

I invite you to come, check it out, shop, and tell your friends and colleagues.  If you don’t find what you need, please leave a comment or question under the “Ask a Question” tab and I’ll see what I can do to accommodate your needs.  Thank you for shopping.  Have a great day!!